"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that he also love one another."
John 13:34
We aim to see our youth become people of purpose, fully prepared and thoroughly
equipped to be the generation who become Next Level Kingdom Builders in the earth.
equipped to be the generation who become Next Level Kingdom Builders in the earth.

Our mission is to continue to execute the mandate issued by God to the generations before us. To become obedient disciples of Christ by taking the gospel into the world with renewed energy and strategic measures. The very essence of living and loving as children of God will awaken and call the sons and daughters of God to be reconciled to Him. We will build up age-old foundations and be called "restorers of the broken," all for the love and glory of God.
Generation Connect
Sunday Mornings
11:30 am
1st Floor, Green Room - Generation Connect
9 - 12 yrs.
9 - 12 yrs.