"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
Matthew 22:37-39
Our lessons during our meeting time are targeted:
- To teach the word of God, The Holy Bible.
- To teach children how to develop a personal and passionate relationship with Christ.
- To teach children how to pray and to develop a lifestyle of prayer.
- To teach children the value of praise and worship through various artistic expressions.
- To teach children the value of friendship and helping others.

Our Mission
Our mission is to invite and teach our children to be those who truly desire to "yearn to learn," the Word of God. We encourage our children to experience the
pure joy of developing a loving relationship with God. We encourage our children to develop
a sincere value for family, genuine friendships, and to always practice "love your neighbor as yourself". We welcome parents to come and work alongside us. Together we can guide and lead
our children to become brilliant lights of God that will bring and capture people of ages, races, genders, & nationalities for the Kingdom of God.
pure joy of developing a loving relationship with God. We encourage our children to develop
a sincere value for family, genuine friendships, and to always practice "love your neighbor as yourself". We welcome parents to come and work alongside us. Together we can guide and lead
our children to become brilliant lights of God that will bring and capture people of ages, races, genders, & nationalities for the Kingdom of God.
KidSpace - Ministry Just for Me!
Sunday Mornings
11:30 am
1st Floor, KidSpace Room
4 - 8 yrs.
4 - 8 yrs.