Tom Davis
Lead Pastor
Pastor Tom C. Davis is the co-founder and senior pastor of Restoration World Outreach. A leader of leaders, he is known for his cutting-edge prophetic ministry and breakthrough anointing that brings about life affecting, God ordained change in the lives of many.

Barbara Davis
Exectutive Pastor
Pastor Barbara A. Davis is co-founder and Administrative pastor at Restoration World Outreach. Authentic and transparent, she is gifted at inspiring those she serves. Nothing gives her greater joy that seeing the people of God win. A true worshiper at heart, igniting passion and a love for God in others is her ministry. Pastor Barbara also serves as group head for the Admin and Praise teams.

Anthony Bowers
Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor Anthony Bowers serves as the group head for our Facilities Team and for our Finance Team. His integrity, and love for God can be clearly seen as he dedicates himself to his teams and the local house. He's a man on a mission to support the vision and "would rather be a door-keeper in the house of the Lord than spend a thousand days elsewhere."

Diane Gullett
Volunteer Coordinator
Minister Diane Gullett serves as the group head for our Expression of Praise Dance Teams, Koinonia fellowship Ministry and hospitality teams. Her passion for excellence and keen attention to detail are the driving force behind her service. She's a valued part of our team, keeping us on our toes and ensuring that we do all things well.

Margo Carr
Member Services
Margo Carr is the group head for our New Members Task Force (NMTF). Energetic and passionate, she is the first line of contact for our new members as they transition from simply attending to belonging. Her pure heart for the people of God, along with her team, makes the perfect "welcome mat" for those having to navigate through and acclimate to a whole new world. Her infectious smile is a beacon of light. Margo also serves as a member and coordinator for our Praise and Worship team.

Tamara Estick-Gregory
Growth Groups
Tamara Estick-Gregory is the group head for our Altar and Intercessory Prayer Teams. She also spearheads our Discipleship Life Group (which houses the growth and instructional branch of RWO). Armed with a desire to see the people of God grow and triumph over adversity. Together with her team, she encourages our community to chase after and accost their destiny forcefully through spiritual education and expansion.

Ronald Smith
Technology and Communications
Ronald Smith serves as the group head for our TACT teams. He directs our audio/visual team with such accuracy and precision behind the scenes which ensures that what is presented to you, (whether live for in house service or streaming across our social media platforms), meets the RWO standard of excellence. Ron is conscientious and hardworking and represents us well.

Rosalyn Hinson Bowers
Community Outreach Coordinator
Rosalyn Hinson Bowers is our Community Outreach Liaison for our Jireh Ministries. Jireh is the newest branch of active evangelism and Outreach for RWO. Jireh serves to rewrite the narrative surrounding those most vulnerable in our community. She believes it is always a great time to help those in need. Rosalyn's heart of compassion, joy in service and ability to influence others to be a blessing sets the tone for success for Jireh Ministries. She is an everyday difference maker for those we serve.